UICalendarView iOS16 In Swift

It is WWDC22 weak… After lots of experience in iOS field but on calendar & Calendar Ui customisation takes our lots of time. you’ll always look it up how to set up a date formatter. Calendar are confusing.. How set next date 😒. Set note & event 🤯.
So many things latest in iOS16. New feature in iOS16.
Apple introduced UICalendarView to create custom calendar views from iOS 16. ✌
UICalendarView in iOS 16 A view that displays a calendar with date-specific decorations, and provides for user selection of a single or multiple dates.
@MainActor class UICalendarView : UIView
Setting up UICalendarView
UICalendarView belongs to the UIKit framework and comes with a simple initialiser.
let calendarView = UICalendarView()
let gregorianCalendar = Calendar(identifier: .gregorian)
calendarView.calendar = gregorianCalendar
calendarView.locale = Locale(identifier: "zh_TW")
calendarView.fontDesign = .rounded
Easy to customised UICalendarView
calendarView.backgroundColor = .secondarySystemBackground calendarView.layer.cornerCurve = .continuous calendarView.layer.cornerRadius = 10.0 calendarView.tintColor = UIColor.systemTeal
UICalendarView declaration
@MainActor class UICalendarView : UIView
I have added a yellow star image to all the dates in the calendar. You can write your logic to customised the decorators.
func calendarView(_ calendarView: UICalendarView, decorationFor dateComponents: DateComponents) -> UICalendarView.Decoration? {
let font = UIFont.systemFont(ofSize: 10)
let configuration = UIImage.SymbolConfiguration(font: font)
let image = UIImage(systemName: "star.fill", withConfiguration: configuration)?.withRenderingMode(.alwaysOriginal)
return .image(image)
Selection in UICalendarView
For single selection
let dateSelection = UICalendarSelectionSingleDate(delegate: self)
calendarView.selectionBehavior = dateSelection
Single date selection in UICalendarView is done using UICalendarSelectionSingleDateDelegate The delegate provides us with two methods.
func dateSelection(_ selection: UICalendarSelectionSingleDate, didSelectDate dateComponents: DateComponents?) {
print("Selected Date:", dateComponents)
func dateSelection(_ selection: UICalendarSelectionSingleDate, canSelectDate dateComponents: DateComponents?) -> Bool {
return true
For multi-date selection
let dateSelection = UICalendarSelectionMultiDate(delegate: self) calendarView.selectionBehavior = dateSelection
Multi date selection in UICalendarView is done using UICalendarSelectionSingleDateDelegate The delegate provides us with two methods.
func multiDateSelection(_ selection: UICalendarSelectionMultiDate, didSelectDate dateComponents: DateComponents) {
print("Selected Date:", dateComponents)
}func multiDateSelection(_ selection: UICalendarSelectionMultiDate, didDeselectDate dateComponents: DateComponents) {
print("De-Selected Date:", dateComponents)
}func multiDateSelection(_ selection: UICalendarSelectionMultiDate, canSelectDate dateComponents: DateComponents) -> Bool {
return true
}func multiDateSelection(_ selection: UICalendarSelectionMultiDate, canDeselectDate dateComponents: DateComponents) -> Bool {
return true
Still confession then go References
[1] https://developer.apple.com/documentation/uikit/uicalendarview
[2] https://developer.apple.com/videos/play/wwdc2022/10068/
My coding buddy
Meet Patel (iOS Developer)
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